Before Surgery- no chest scars

Before Surgery- no chest scars

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cardiology Appointment and Echocardiogram

Today I took Luke in for an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) and cardiology appointment. Luke's oxygen saturations were 85% which is good. However the cardiologist said that his right ventricle is enlarged. This indicates high back pressures and insufficient pumping from the ventricle. Obviously the right ventricle is an insufficient pump for the body. So an enlarged right ventricle is normal for someone with HLHS. But Luke's is more engorged than it should be. So Luke has to continue with the Sildenafil (Viagra) and he has another echocardiogram in November. In the mean time he is doing well developmentally. He has 2 cute teeth, he started crawling last week, and he interacts well with his family and others. He is a blessing in our family that brings lots of joy and laughter. Here is a picture of Luke with his Grandpa Herb. I think Luke looks just like his grandpa. They sure enjoy each other.