Before Surgery- no chest scars

Before Surgery- no chest scars

Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7- Slowly Getting Better

Today Luke had his two remaining chest tubes removed. Finally I got to hold him and nurse without any excess pain. We finally got a swing brought in too. At home Luke loves swings and so I'm hoping this one lets him sleep better.

We got woken up at 4:00 a.m. By a phlebotomist who turned on the lights and then called someone on his hospital phone and had a loud conversation in our room. Then I warned him that Luke is a hard poke and I only wanted him to draw blood if he felt very confident. He looked at me and walked out of the room. Nice guy. Luke ended up getting blood drawn by the IV team. Unfortunately that IV and the one they placed last night have gone bad. So we're in for another poke tonight.

Luke has itching from the narcotics but luckily Benadryl seems to help some. He is not sleeping much today. He keeps throwing up the lortab so now they're giving him only Tylenol and ibuprofen for pain. Fortunately he seems okay.


  1. Mabry, that baby is super cute! You are a great mama. I am glad you are holding him. Those chubby baby rolls need that. :) Love you!

  2. Swings are great!! It was the only time (we) slept longer then 10 mins at a time

  3. So glad he can be held. Prayers for that sweet baby.
