Before Surgery- no chest scars

Before Surgery- no chest scars

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Looking to The Future

Today was a low key day without many changes. Luke left the ICU and is back on surgical floor. He is at .75 liters of oxygen and saturations are usually low 80s. They want him on 1/2 liter of oxygen before he goes home but that could possibly happen tomorrow. Luke will probably be on oxygen 6-8 weeks after hospitalization. The oxygen and the Viagra will work together to decrease pulmonary pressures (Luke's are 3.1 and normal is 2) and bring more blood to the lungs. Adventually he should be able to regulate his oxygen sats by himself.

My sister-in-law Laura spent the day with me. Also a new friend Danean Bone and her sweet son Cashton came to visit. Cashton will be 10 years old soon. He has HLHS just like Luke. Cashton plays soccer and karate, is energetic and bright, and gives me great hopes of a wonderful future for Luke. My picture is of the two boys. Quite the handsome pair!

1 comment:

  1. So cute. Here is my secret: I love to see my boys together the most.
